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10 Advanced Link Building Tips and Tricks to Boost Your SEO


You’ve developed a visually engaging and seamless website. Your social media presence has been off the charts lately. And you recently leveraged Google My Business to increase visibility and revenue.

However, the numbers still seem to be stuck in limbo.

If you’re struggling to figure out why your business is failing to meet KPI targets and reach new milestones, it may be time to look inwards.

Have you invested in quality link building services by a reputable link building SEO company?

According to a recent study, receiving plentiful high-quality backlinks has the highest correlation to Google rankings.

a graphic design with the term ‘link building’ written in the center

While you may have leveraged SEO to boost traffic, leaving SEO link building tipsout of the mix can easily cause your numbers to plummet. And while you may already have a link building strategy in place, doing the bare minimum simply isn’t enough in today’s competitive digital marketing space.

Opting for generic and ineffective link building strategies is one of the most common reasons why businesses get stuck in a rut that seems impossible to get out of.

According to Entrepreneur, having a weak link building strategy has a detrimental impact on rankings, brand presence, and customer acquisition. On the other hand, a strong link building strategy is a surefire way to increase traffic, improve search rankings, convert visitors into leads, and reduce customer attrition and bounce rates.

That’s why we’ve rounded up ten advanced link building tips and tricks to help boost SEO and increase revenue.

1. Maintain a Strong Online Presence to Build Quality Relationships

Link building is quite simply the process of acquiring one-way hyperlinks (commonly known as “backlinks”) from other websites to your own. Instead of waiting for established companies to naturally link to your page, you need to take charge and facilitate the process.

Most brands either forgo link building strategies entirely or go overboard by overtly requesting links through excessive emails, social media messages, and calls.

Opting for a strategy that falls on either end of the spectrum is a recipe for disaster.

Instead, we recommend carefully navigating the link building landscape and creating a strong and balanced strategy. Building quality relationships in your industry through active—albeit non-intrusive—online networking is a great way to acquire quality links for your products/services and web content.

a computer screen displaying Facebook messages and indicating strong business networking

Start by focusing on niche-related communities on social media and professional networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Moreover, join local link building groups like Link Building Experts on Facebook. As you interact with business leaders in your community, you’ll establish strong connections over time. This will organically increase your chances of receiving backlinks.

We recommend actively participating in group activities by posting relevant comments, responding to questions, adding contextual value to conversations, and sharing insightful updates. These advanced link building strategies will collectively place you on the virtual business networking map, thereby bolstering your chances of receiving backlinks.


2. Master the Art of Producing Engaging and Value-Added Content

According to a recent study, companies with consistent and high-quality blogs received 97% more quality backlinks. Moreover, long-form content receives up to 77.2% more backlinks than short-form content.

Creating engaging and value-added content is one of the most effective ways to increase your chances of receiving reputable links to your website.

Instead of resorting to rehashed, unoriginal, and unappealing content, focus on improving quality. This simple yet transformative switch will help you generate more traffic and acquire links from established companies with high domain authority.

Ouai’s frequent, informative, witty, and value-added blogs are a great example of striking the perfect balance between quantity and quality:

value-added blogs

Their high-quality content and images, creativity, keyword usage, and posting frequency have helped them establish an impressive domain rating of 63, and they have secured approximately 18,000 backlinks.

Here’s a breakdown of the data acquired through the Ahrefs Backlink Checker:

Ahrefs Backlink Checker

It’s vital to actively research relevant keywords and optimize anchor text accordingly to ensure your content climbs SERPs.

We also suggest posting at least 2–5 long-form blogs or articles per month to increase your chances of receiving backlinks. Long-form content generally has a 2,000+ word count.

You should ideally focus on creating different types of content, including:

  • Articles
  • Blogs
  • Press Releases
  • Case Studies
  • Infographics
  • Instructographics
  • Videos

Check out Apple’s informative and newsworthy press releases to incorporate similar content production tactics into your digital marketing strategy! This is unarguably one of the best SEO link building tips and tricks to boost your SEO.

3. Strike the Perfect Balance between Using Internal and External Links

While using relevant and well-placed internal links is a powerful link building strategy, incorporating external links into the mix is equally important.

Simply put, internal links are hyperlinks that direct readers to your products/services or web pages. Alternatively, external links are hyperlinks that direct readers to external websites.

While using external links may sound counter intuitive, it’s a great way to encourage reputable websites to link back to your own content. Most companies receive notifications from Google Alerts or BuzzSumo each time a brand mentions or links to their products/services or content. If you have similar domain authority, it’s very likely that you’ll receive a backlink or social share from the website.

In addition, using reputable and informative external links helps your audience have an engaging and curated reading experience. This is a great way to boost SEO rankings by increasing audience engagement and retention.

Over time, you’ll notice an increase in monthly website traffic and a reduced bounce rate.

Strike the perfect balance between using internal and external links to increase the overall quality of your content. A central deciding factor for whether a company will give you a backlink, quality will ultimately help you ride the waves of link building with ease and adroitness.

4. Use Guest Blogging to Build Quality Links

a computer screen displaying a guest blog

Writing high-quality guest blogs for established companies within the same industry is one of the best link building tips. The tried-and-tested tactic works seamlessly by helping you tap into a new and wide audience base that would otherwise remain untargeted and unengaged.

The process involves writing content for another company’s website.

Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?

Here’s the trick.

While guest blogs are generally non-promotional in nature, they may include a few internal links to redirect readers to the host’s website. This increases traffic and enables the host to attract a new demographic.

Guest blogs also include a concluding section entitled “About the Author” or “Guest Article Written By.” This includes anchor text that redirects readers to the hosting company.

About the Author

High-quality guest blogs are more likely to compel readers to visit the host’s website. If they like the content, they’ll feel the need to keep up with that style, format, and type of content in the future.

If you’re new to digital marketing, we strongly recommend browsing through our blog on the benefits of guest blogging for small business owners for more insights.

5. Keep Up With Backlinking Partners

Most link building tools enable companies to monitor websites that give them backlinks. Leveraging these tools is essential to keep up with your backlinking partners.

We recommend creating a list to track the brands that link to your products/services or webpages. This is especially important because certain companies that were a source of reputable backlinks in the past may stop linking to your pages.

In such cases, it’s imperative that you reach out to them with a polite email to determine why your site was dropped. This interaction can play a big role in reactivating backlinks and helping further business relationships.

Moreover, familiarizing yourself with your company’s backlinking partners is a great way to connect with them and return the favor, thereby concretizing the backlinking cycle.

Over time, establishing a large number of active backlinking partners will help your business maintain a strong online presence, target quality traffic, build trust and credibility, and break into new markets.

6. Become a Pro at Broken Link Building

a graphic design displaying a computer screen and a webpage with multiple links

The broken link building strategy is undeniably one of the most powerful ways to leverage link building and boost SEO. The process prevents readers from visiting broken webpages.

Start off by reviewing your backlinking history.

Compile a list of the times your website was referenced through anchor text but led to a dead link. Once you’re done, reach out to the respective companies and request them to replace the broken link with an active link to similar content on your website.

You may also create new content accordingly!

This is a great way to reactivate dead links and boost website rankings. While it may sound like a lot of work, SEO experts can help you out by identifying each broken backlink and sharing accompanying metrics.

This will help you determine which broken backlinks should be replaced on a priority basis. As the process is streamlined, you’ll manage to optimize your backlinks and direct a wide audience to your content that would otherwise receive a 404 page and remain out of the loop.

7. Convert Unlinked Mentions into Backlinks

Convert Unlinked Mentions into Backlinks

In many cases, companies may mention your page without including a link. Not only is this a wasted opportunity, but it restricts a wide potential audience from interacting with your content.

People are more likely to click on anchor text that directly takes them to the respective website. A mere mention, unfortunately, induces little to no action.

We strongly recommend taking this step if a company with high domain authority and SEO ranking mentions your brand.

8. Submit Testimonials

Testimonial link building is a great way for one company to build trust and credibility while the other receives a backlink.

It’s a win-win scenario any way you look at it!

If you’ve used products/services from a company in your industry, offer to submit testimonials in return for a backlink. This process also has a high approval rate compared to other link building strategies that may leave you in limbo as you await a response.

The trick is drafting a professional, persuasive, and concise email that poses the request without sounding overbearing. If done right, you’re more likely to receive a timely response and have your request processed.

We recommend offering to send testimonials to reputable and established websites with high domain authority and organic search rankings. However, reserve this link building tip for when you have the time to try the respective product/service.

Refrain from writing inaccurate and misleading testimonials.

Done organically, you’ll manage to submit numerous authentic testimonials and receive strong backlinks that you feel good about!

9. Create High-Quality Infographics and Instructographics

a woman using a drawing tablet and a pen to create graphic designs

According to recent research:

  • 91% of people prefer visual content over written content
  • Infographics have enjoyed the highest increase in popularity among B2B marketers in the last five years
  • Over 65%of brands incorporate infographics in their marketing strategy
  • Content with infographics earns 178% more links than standard content

Infographics and instructographics are advanced link building tools that are seldom done justice. As one of the lesser known link building strategies, these resources are a great way to earn quality backlinks and boost revenue.

We recommend creating high-quality, visually compelling, and easy-to-navigate infographics and instructographics that inform your audience without boring them.

Like any content, optimizing infographics and instructographics is the key to ranking success. Start with keyword research to identify primary and secondary keyword phrases. Use the right file name, alt text, H1 tag, and meta description to help Google determine the content category.

Lastly, your infographic or instructographic should have a short loading time to reduce the bounce rate on the page. Use PageSpeed Insights by Google to test the loading speed. PNGs, JPEGs, GIFs, and BMPs have the fastest loading times, so pick the right file format accordingly.

Once you’re done, share your infographic or instructographic on social media to increase visibility and the chance of acquiring high-quality backlinks.

10. Turn to Quality Link Building Services for Help

While you may have familiarized yourself with expert link building strategies, leveraging them without consulting an expert link building SEO company may pose to be a challenge. As you try to establish a strong online presence to build quality relationships, you’ll find yourself needing expert help along the way.

This is where we come into the picture.

Our backlink specialists utilize state-of-the-art SEO software tools, years of experience, and winning strategies to help businesses make the most of effective link building. As a leading digital marketing company in New York, Orlando, Seattle, San Diego, and Washington, we can help you get started!

Our advanced link building strategies, resources, and tools are designed to help businesses receive high-quality backlinks, increase conversion rates, improve overall marketing ROI, generate more referral traffic, and decrease cost per acquisition.

Our white-hat approach to link building also eliminates the chances of incurring Google penalties, so you can increase organic traffic without worrying about any drawbacks.

Our quality link building services come with a 30-day money back guarantee.

Request a proposal and free SEO audit report to get started! If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 855-444-4777 and we’ll take it from there. It’s time to start implementing these advanced link building tips and tricks!

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