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Real-Time SEO Content Writing: A 7-Step Process for Everyone

If you’re no stranger to SEO, we’re sure you’re familiar with the importance of relevance.

Whether you kick things off with content, social media marketing, or local advertising, your approach should be as relevant as it gets.

People don’t want boring, outdated content covered in dust and cobwebs. They want fresh, exciting, trending content that’s actively being talked about by the full spectrum of netizens: friends, family, acquaintances, strangers, and just about everyone.

Trends are exciting, but they’re also short-lived.

If you capture them while the moment’s hot, you’ve essentially won the time-sensitive traffic and conversion jackpot!

Real-time SEO content writing helps you do just that.

What is it?

How can it benefit your brand?

And what’s the right way to kick things off?

We’re breaking everything down! Keep reading for an A–Z guide to real-time SEO content writing in 2022.

What Is Real-Time SEO Content Writing?

Earlier this year, the Super Bowl took the nation by storm.

In 2020, Joe Biden won the election against Trump.

In 2015, we had the viral “is it white and gold or black and blue” dress debate (the iconic photo even earned its own Wikipedia page).

In 2014, Kim Kardashian “broke the internet” with her controversial Paper Magazine shoot.

These are just a few glimpses of the many, many, many groundbreaking moments that have sparked a conversation in the past two decades.

Trends are exciting, fun, and edge-of-the-seat electrifying.

They give you something to talk about, and as humans, we love collective conversation.

Real-time SEO content operates around this logic.

It’s a quick response to time-sensitive events, trends, topics, activities, and happenings that are being talked about by hordes of people.

As you strike while the iron’s hot, you’ll get a chance to crack open massive pockets of traffic and conversions that would otherwise remain out of reach.

As your visibility quickly increases, people will flock to your content in hopes of satiating their thirst for the trend.

When done right, your real-time SEO content writing campaign can help you become a loud and clear voice in your industry for a short while.

All eyes are on you.

As you cleverly make full use of your pedestal, you can carve a new path for your business even after the trend dies out.

Step 1: Identify Trends

There’s something exciting happening almost every other minute.

Sure, every “trend” isn’t worth creating content around.

If you want your content to make a splash, make sure you find the most exciting and relevant trends that are being talked about by thousands or possibly millions of people.

How do you do this?

For starters, keep your eyes peeled for trending activity on Twitter.

Here are some Twitter trends:

If your business relates to tennis in any way, the 9th trend is for you.

Perhaps you sell tennis gear. Or maybe you curate Grand Slam experiences for a high-end audience.

You’ll increase your reach as you write real-time content around the US Open and actively respond to social media activity.

The same goes for the 11th trend!

If your business relates to this in some way, you can quickly jump on the bandwagon and capture the short-lived audience interest around the conversation.

Change the location to find the most relevant trends in your town, city, or state.

We also recommend using Google Trends, the crème de la crème of SEO content tools.

This clever tool helps you explore the most talked-about trends based on hyper-specific locations.

You can also explore shopping trends, which is absolutely genius from a conversion standpoint.

It allows you to explore different categories and select trends that fit your niche.

Let’s say you sell clothing. If you take a closer look at the specific trends within this category, you’ll stumble upon a set of results very similar to this (depending on what’s trending at that time):

See what we mean?

As you create real-time content around these topics, you’ll reach active users scouring the web for similar content.

If you have items in your collection that can help people recreate Lil NasX’s VMA outfit or Serena Williams’ US Open outfit, you know exactly what to do.

This is how real-time content works.

It all starts with hunting for trends.

The bigger the trend, the better!

Step 2: Jump on the Bandwagon with Real-Time Web Content

You can create four different types of real-time SEO content (and we’ll jump to the rest in a bit).

While all four types are powerful, web content is ultimately your ace card.

If you want to tap into clusters of quality web users inclined to transact, you have to create real-time SEO web content.

This includes articles, blogs, guest posts, press releases, and any other type of written content that can be posted on the web.

Your content should create a sense of urgency.

Remember, you’re covering a trend.

Trends, by definition, are short-lived.

Once the moment passes, your content will lose its potency.

Make sure people flock to your work while it’s relevant!

Let’s consider an example.

When Simone Biles’ winning streak began in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the United States echoed her praises for months.

This trend wasn’t short-lived; it was a tad more prolonged.

And brands grabbed the moment while they could!

Here are some blogs that caught our eye:

This is exactly how you jump on a trend!

Makeup brands created content on Simone’s makeup looks, fitness trainers taught people how to train like Simone, clothing brands claimed that their products were similar to Simone’s choices, and so on.

Of course, every trend won’t float your boat.

If you offer tech support, you can’t possibly jump on this bandwagon.

You can try to establish a connection.

Perhaps Simone loves tech and uses a laptop you have in stock.

In that case, you’re in luck.

However, for the most part, the connection has to be tangible and strong.

It cannot be flimsy.

If your audience figures out you’re forcefully capitalizing on a trend, they’ll run for the hills.


Because your content will come off as cheesy and forced.

If there’s no apparent connection, it’ll be obvious that you’re trying too hard.

So keep an eye out for trends that actually relate to your industry.

This will help you release organic, seamless content.

Once you find these trends, don’t waste any time.

The sooner you release your content, the better!

Pro tip: Free writing tools are great, but they don’t help you discover in-depth trends. If you want a deeper analysis of the top trends in your niche, use cutting-edge SEO content tools.

At Search Berg, we use advanced tools developed by experienced SEO experts. We can identify budding trends before they pick up speed, allowing you to release content at the perfect time.

It’s all about striking while the iron’s hot! We help you do just that.

Recommended Read: Writing Content for SEO: 6 Mistakes to Avoid

Step 3: Create Real-Time Multimedia Content

The second type of real-time SEO content—multimedia content—can help you appeal to your audience’s visual interest.

Written content is powerful; we can’t negate that.

However, it must be supplemented with multimedia content: images, videos, infographics, GIFs, and so on.

One of our favorite examples comes from Lowers & Associates, an international risk mitigation company.

When the college admissions scandal blew up in 2019, they released a power-packed infographic:

This was simply brilliant.

For starters, it caught people’s eye.

When news broke out, people were actively trying to learn what had happened.

By releasing a real-time infographic, Lowers & Associates swiftly jumped on the bandwagon and earned a bucketful of traffic.

The infographic discusses the scandal, outlines the scheme, and helps people understand how to avoid such a situation.

We’re sure they earned sweet conversions by posting this brilliant piece.

Real-time SEO visual content will take you far.

You can also incorporate it into written content.

For example, add custom images to your blogs, embed videos in your articles, add GIFs to your guest posts (if the hosting platforms don’t mind), and so on.

Visual content enriches written content.

Even if you release standalone real-time visual content, it’ll make a big splash.

Step 4: Generate More Buzz with Real-Time Social Media Content

We’ve covered real-time web and visual content.

Now the ball lands in the social media court, perhaps the most crowded court ever.

Trends are hotly discussed on search engines.

However, their noise ultimately reverberates the loudest across the most popular social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

During the 2013 Super Bowl blackout, Oreo shared this post on Twitter:

Witty, smart, and well-timed, this post blew up.

Years later, people still talk about it!

If you want to release effective real-time social media content, add something unique to the conversation.

Here’s another powerful example.

When the dress debate went viral, The Salvation Army released an important message:

This is one of the most powerful examples of real-time content.

There was seemingly no connection between the organization and the dress debate.

However, their creative, ingenious team established a connection that caught the eye of millions of social media users.

They further optimized their post with relevant hashtags to increase its traction.

Another one of our favorite examples comes from KitKat.

In 2014, iPhone 6 Plus started trending on Twitter, no surprise there.

However, #bendgate also started trending as many consumers claimed that their iPhone 6 Plus was bending in their pockets.

Of course, this news blew up.

It was hotly discussed everywhere.

KitKat, being the class act that it is, posted this show-stopping tweet that will never get old:

Comedic gold, if we do say so ourselves.

KitKat’s sales tremendously increased after this, but that wasn’t only because of the post.

It was also the active commenting that followed.

Once you post real-time SEO content, you can’t just turn a blind eye to it.

As the trend evolves and gains momentum, you must actively engage with your audience.

This will help you squeeze the most traffic and conversion potential out of your content.

As long as the content stays relevant, keep interacting with people.

And remember, be witty!

Here’s a page right out of KitKat’s book:


This is how you jump on a trend and actually capture audience interest.

KitKat had a field day and ensured people enjoyed every minute of their banter.

Real-time content can be serious, funny, witty, or anything else that you want it to be.

It all comes down to your brand persona and voice.

If you run a healthcare clinic, you can’t adopt the same tone as KitKat.

However, that doesn’t prevent you from joining the conversation.

Like The Salvation Army, you can still release a powerful, serious message (even if the trend is lighthearted, to begin with).

Take some time, brainstorm ideas, and launch a powerful campaign that resonates with your audience.

Step 5: Earn Targeted Conversions with Real-Time Local Content

Trends aren’t always global; they’re also local.

And trends aren’t exclusively captured on Google and social media; they also make waves on local platforms like Google My Business.

As you start creating real-time content, make sure its impact also reaches local listings like Google My Business.

This is what a regular Google My Business listing looks like:

Remember, this shows up on Google. You’ll see posts from the brand towards the end of the section.

As you start posting real-time content, Google will pick up on the keywords and start displaying the posts to users.

This is an excellent way to reach web users and further optimize your Google My Business listing.

Recommended Read: How to Set Up Your Google My Business Profile

Don’t just leave it at that.

We also suggest creating local content that appeals to your target audience.

Sure, a big event like the Super Bowl captures the attention of the entire nation.

If you run a business in California, Super Bowl-related content will also appeal to them.

However, you shouldn’t exclusively target national or international trends.

In addition, keep an eye out for local events relevant to a smaller town, city, or state-based audience.

Step 6: Stick Around for the Post-Trend Noise

We emphasized the importance of sticking around earlier in this blog, but we must do it again.

This isn’t just important; it’s non-negotiable.

Think of trends like matchsticks.

The spark won’t last forever; it’s a matter of time before it gives out.

You must actively stay on top of things while the matchstick is still alight.

If you release a real-time blog, keep engaging with your audience in the comments section.

If you post on social media, stick around for the debate that follows.

As you keep up with how your audience is receiving your content, it’ll develop a life of its own.

In many cases, real-time content doesn’t quite pick up all of a sudden.

Remember, there are hundreds, thousands, or perhaps even millions of other brands that are trying to jump on the same trend.

The competition is at an all-time high.

If you don’t help your post gain traction through active conversation, it’ll fall flat on its face.

Optimize your content from the get-go to increase your chances of making a splash.

Use high-ranking keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, image filenames, and alt text in your content.

Add quality external and internal links to your work. This will help you strengthen the link structure and increase your chances of earning high-DA backlinks.

If you’re working on social media content, use relevant, high-volume keywords based on the trend and your business.

The same goes for local content!

Optimization will help you stand out from the crowd and make the impact you have in mind.

Step 7: Preserve the Moment

Once you’ve published your work, preserve the moment for future audiences.

We strongly recommend creating blog categories.

As people land on your blog page, they should see clear topic clusters.

Let’s say you’ve written a handful of blogs on the Super Bowl.

Introduce “Super Bowl” as a category so people can read previous work if they’d like to.

The same goes for social media.

Preserve old posts and stories by adding highlights to your profile.

You can do this for Facebook (click here to learn how), Instagram (click here to learn how), and Twitter (click here to learn how).

Act Fast with Search Berg!

Ready to kick things off?

Real-time content is time-sensitive.

Make sure you capture the moment before it slips from your hands!

At Search Berg, we offer real-time SEO content writing services to help you remain relevant in your industry, capture targeted traffic, and make time-sensitive sales.

Over time, this smart strategy will help you solidify your brand identity and stabilize your bottom line.

Our content editors diligently proofread the work to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. We use advanced SEO content tools to expertly optimize your content and help it earn the most traction possible.

We’re ready when you are!

Let’s give your brand the visibility and traffic it deserves. Pick up speed, the next trend’s right around the corner!

It's time for a 180-degree transformation, Search Berg style. Rank higher on Google SERPs, build brand credibility, and drive more revenue by signing up with us today!

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